So the "Free..... for real?" winner for Sunday, November 8, 2009 goes to........
So this is how I think this ad came about.
Kathy: Honey can you trim the trees in the front yard? I'm tired of asking you to do it.
Erik: Yeah, yeah, I'll get to it later. The games on.
Kathy: (enfuriated) NOW!!!
Erik: Geez alright. ***mumbling*** I can't stand you sometimes.
Kathy: (From the kitchen) What?
Erik: Nothing Buttercups. I'm doing it now.
Erik trims all the branches and notices that it's the fourth quarter of the football game and goes back inside.
Kathy: Finished already?
Erik: No babe. I cut them all down but I really started to think to myself, "Why should all this wood go to waste? Why spend 3 hours chopping it down into unrecyclable waste?" You know what we should do sugar muffins? We should give it away.
Kathy: (dumb blonde or dumb brunette. Just dumb in general): Really? You think someone will want this?
Erik: Why not my lil cous cous? YOU should go outside, take a picture of it and make an ad for it on Craiglist, since you are so good at that technological stuff my lil crab cake. I'm tired. I'm just gonna watch the rest of this football game.
Kathy: You're so smart hunny dumplings. Always thinking about the ECONOMY.
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